Efforts to Outcomes Database

The Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) database is a form of case management software, created by Social Solutions, a company based out of Baltimore, US. It is an electronic database system used to measure different program outcomes. With Covenant House, ETO has significantly improved the agency’s ability to “collect, monitor and analyze what we are doing, who we are doing it with, and how well we are doing it” (Covenant House Washington website). 

ETO is a flexible system, as it can be tailored to suit an organization’s specific needs. An organization may want to track numerous elements of their services, such as program outcomes or demographics. The ETO can be built to track certain elements of service delivery, as indicated by the organization. Ultimately, ETO allows an agency to organize the different interactions that occur between employees and stakeholders. Once the specified interactions are documented and added to the database, the organization can evaluate the data, and interpret the results, which facilitates greater program success, as agencies are able to see the benefits or downfalls of certain programs. According to the Social Solutions website, ETO “brings a performance management approach to improving the lives of participants under your care”. It is a systematic, evidence-based method that fosters careful program evaluation and eventually leads to improvements in service provision, as organizations understand what elements of their programming are successful, or require development. In terms of funding, ETO is an effective measure to ensure accountability and demonstrate program success to possible donors.

ETO provides different kinds of database management, suited to certain kinds of organizations. Initially, ETO conducts a customization process, to determine which software is best suited to your organization’s needs. After implementation, ETO provides a training curriculum to address future changes, as an organization’s needs may be different over time.

For instance, Covenant House uses ETO to track a client’s progress, thus different reports are generated when a client enters a shelter, leaves a shelter and completes classes and programs. These interactions are then organized in the electronic database, along with other interactions of different clients at the same location, which allows Covenant House to produce data representing the trends and priorities of the clients at a specific Covenant House. As other Covenant House programs are also using ETO, this facilitates data sharing, as locations can compare and contrast the unique aspects of their centre with challenges encountered at other locations. Consequently, Covenant House is able to produce a comprehensive history of program participants, which illustrates how people have been helped over time, and identifies ways to improve Covenant House programming to successfully assist future participants.

Because ETO also serves as the ROP’s program database, ETO is able to do much more than just track data. The customizable nature of the program allows for basic forms to be created within ETO that facilitate electronic registration/intake and discharge, updating of case plans, tracking of referrals and key contacts etc. 

A screenshot of an Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) intake form.
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A screenshot of an Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) intake form.