Practical Strategies - Post Count

Share findings with local Aboriginal communities



  • Work with mainstream and Aboriginal media to disseminate findings
  • Findings should be sent to all Aboriginal organizations, networks, and agencies that serve Aboriginal people experiencing homelessness
  • Translate findings into multiple report formats and languages (e.g. pamphlet, pdf, power point, video, website) to increase knowledge translation
  • Present findings at meetings of Aboriginal umbrella organizations, Aboriginal CABs, and Aboriginal governments
  • Host a public meeting to share findings and receive feedback
  • Improves public knowledge about Aboriginal homelessness
  • Informs program and policy development
  • Findings can be used by organizations, advocates, and agencies to advocate for additional funding
  • Feedback on findings will inform future counts

Partner with Aboriginal communities to improve media coverage



  • Partner with Aboriginal CABs and umbrella organizations to craft media messages
  • Ensure Aboriginal voices are included in media accounts
  • Use media to educate the public on the benefits of a PiT Count for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities 
  • Media coverage will reflect the interests and concerns of Aboriginal communities
  • Media accounts will be able to offer a stronger analysis of count findings
  • Findings will reach a broader audience

Partner with Aboriginal communities to improve media coverage



  • Partner with Aboriginal CABs and umbrella organizations to craft media messages
  • Ensure Aboriginal voices are included in media accounts
  • Use media to educate the public on the benefits of a PiT Count for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities
  • Media coverage will reflect the interests and concerns of Aboriginal communities
  • Media accounts will be able to offer a stronger analysis of count findings
  • Findings will reach a broader audience