Ending Street Homelessness: What Works and Why We Don’t Do It

Vast human and financial resources have been spent in efforts to understand and address street homelessness. Yet, the problem persists.

This think piece summarises the findings of a major review exploring the international evidence base on what works to end street homelessness. It also reflects on the question: ‘if we know what works, why don’t we do it?’ Informed by more than 500 literature sources and interviews with 11 international experts, it identifies the key principles which appear to improve the likelihood of interventions ending street homelessness. These include: be housing-led, offer person-centered support and choice, take swift action, employ assertive outreach leading to a suitable accommodation offer, ensure services address wider support needs, and collaborate effectively between agencies and across sectors. 

Publication Date: 
European Journal of Homelessness
Volume 13
No. 1
Publication #: 
ISSN 2030-2762 / ISSN 2030-3106
Journal Name: 
Think Piece
United Kingdom